Whole Soul
Whole Soul
A Biodynamic Approach
Welcome to my website, wholesoul.co.uk. I am Laura Irvine, a Biodynamic Psychotherapist.
I work with people who intuitively appreciate the body as a route to and resource for wellbeing.
The Biodynamic Approach is rooted in physiology, psychology and psychoanalytic thinking, as well as informed by an holistic understanding of trauma and how to work towards unravelling its effects. Working in this way can also lead to natural experiences of what it means to have a soul, to incarnate, and inklings as to the fundamental and deep-rooted living nature of consciousness.
Biodynamic Therapy and the Resources you find here, recognise the functional, fluid, and cyclical nature of emotion; and the need to differentiate, call out and stop that which interferes with this. By applying this integrity to each person, we recognise that all life around us is whole, according to itself. And we begin to restore our original relationships with others, inspire healthier communities and to deeply respect and sustain our ecosystems.

Laura Irvine
Laura is a licensed Biodynamic Psychotherapist, has been practising for over 25 years, and her practice is registered as a Biodynamic Clinic, with the Institute of Biodynamic Medicine (IOBM). Laura is a Fellow of IOBM and offers Supervision, Group Leadership and Subject Teaching. Information on IOBM is available at www.biodynamic.org.
Author of The Biodynamic Field : Four Papers and a Manifesto, Laura holds a degree in Experimental Psychology and has worked in research, publishing, community television, community development and mental health.
‘When we reside intimately in our bodies – when we take the time to honour our true and primary nature – we can come home to ourselves – and bring a new order, a living coherence, to our bodies and our world.
I am privileged to work in the field of Biodynamic Psychology which can bring us back to our most essential feelings and depth.
If you choose to work with me, I aim to meet you in a real place of embodied experience where you can be yourself and be seen without judgement.’
Whole Humanity
Once connected with your whole soul, your unique path through and approach to life can be re-invigorated and you can inspire, and be inspired. The Biodynamic Approach can support and inform all aspects of life. We each and all have a unique opportunity, especially in...
The Pearl Process on Wholesoul TV
The Pearl Process is the name given to a short series of videos available on You Tube, see link below, presenting an ordered steps to support you in your emotional life and well-being. Tools to use (in order) when you need to connect with your self and review life...
Resources for New Parents
Biodynamic Therapy recognises the healing power of a peaceful other – your family can help – you and your baby could immediately benefit from the following: Family Spooning Take some time in your new family unit (whatever form this takes), to focus on each other, the...