The Biodynamic Field: Four Papers and a Manifesto 2019
Based on the work of Wilhelm Reich, a perspective on how biodynamic practice and the dynamics of psychological and physical health can be understood together.
‘An Important Contribution to the Field of Biodynamic Therapy’ – it looks at the origins of coherence and how it applies to life.
‘It is not an easy read but it more than repays the time taken to digest. Read it, mull over it and reread it. It will lead to further questions and more work from others who follow this path.’
Modernising Wilhelm Reich’s cosmology for the 21st century, the Biodynamic Field takes Gerda Boyesen’s Biodynamic Psychology and integrates it with modern scientific perspectives, to present a biodynamic insight into the organic processes of life and health and consciousness; the origins of dis-ease and fear; and the nature of healing.
For professionals and academics seeking inter-disciplinary dialogue on healing, and for all those interested in the articulating the nature of healing.

Poetry: The Language of Life
Based on Dissertation submitted to IBPP (now IOBM) 1995
An overview of the Biodynamic Approach, and how Language fits in and is understood within a Biodynamic Perspective.
Poetry is used to illustrate Boyesen’s biodynamic perspective and her inclusion of Freud and Jung’s approach within the Biodynamic field.
While Julia Kristeva’s psychoanalytic ‘Desire in Language’ is used to look at poetry through a Biodynamic lense.